Add sizing parameters to the ZPL viewer custom widget?


This is not strictly related to the Tulip core itself but I didn’t know where else to post.

I regularly use this great custom widget:

But I find it annoying that we cannot customize the label’s size (which makes scrollbars appear around the widget).

There seem to be parameters to manage this (width, height and units), found in the URL generated by the Permalink button on Labelary Online ZPL Viewer. Given the button’s name, I guess it’s safe to assume that these parameters will have a long-term support.

Could you please add support for these 3 parameters?

(If I find the time to implement/test/debug this, I will post the code here in case someone is interested).

@fti - thanks for the suggestion here!

I flagged this to our Library team to see if maybe they could modify that custom widget to include those parameters.

Will follow up once I hear more :slight_smile:

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@fti , thanks for your post!
The Library team will not have the possibility to update this in the upcoming weeks, but I’m adding your suggestion to our list. Will ping you when we have that ready.

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I found some time to create a widget that allows to do this, among other things. If anyone is interested, it can be found here:

Unofficial Labelary ZPL Viewer custom widget - Show and Tell - Tulip Community

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