API - How to Update data in the TULIP Table using API

Hi Everyone,

I’m working one project which needed to write in the TULIP table using API.
1.) Anyone know how to create or update data in TULIP table using API?

2.) Question is anyone can give me information what is normally the end point of the our TULIP API, Because I got error saying not found end point?. Can someone help me hint how to fix this?

by the way, this is the error "{"errorCode":"NoSuchEndpoint","details":"That API endpoint does not exist"


Hi @laliaga

To answer your first question - Have you checked out our Tulip University course on the Tulip API? This course covers how to use Tulip API to write to a Tulip Table! https://university.tulip.co/feature-deep-dive-table-api

The endpoint of your Tulip API needs to match what we have specified in our API documentation, which you can find within your Tulip instance [your-instance-URL]/apiDocs, (See this article for more information - How to Use the Table API)

Does this help?