Hi everyone, I’m trying to use a connector to call an API in our ERP system. I’m able to use Postman, with basic credentials, and get a valid (202) response with some valid JSON data back. I put together the connector, which seems to ‘connect’ OK in Tulip, but when I add the function to make a specific ‘GET’ request, equivalent, I believe to what I use in Postman, with the same basic auth credentials I get a 301 Moved Permanently response code??? Any ideas what that response code means or why I could be getting it, when I make the call from the Tulip function.
Hey Grant, yes, it is an HTTP call. Trouble is, when I try to create the connector that is the only option it gives me??? (Other than a SQL Connector)???
Do I need some higher level of Tulip account to allow me to create an HTTPS connection??