Events Timeline Custom Widget

I get asked about the Events Timeline custom widget we have on display in the TEC a lot. In lieu of officially releasing it on the Library (which will likely come soon), I wanted to post it here in ‘early-access’!


As seen on a dashboard here:

To use this Widget, prepare three things:

  1. A username and password for a Tables API Bot with read privileges (at least).

  2. An “Events” table with a column each for event title, description, and type (“Type” will determine which symbol is shown next to the event).

  3. A Table Aggregation that will return the ID of the most-recently-created record in this Events Table.

To configure, add the bot username, bot password, table ID, and three column IDs where indicated in the beginning of the Widget’s Javascript.
Additionally, be sure to change your instance URL at line 165 from !

The widget will display any inputted ID as the next Event in the timeline, and can show up to seven events at the same time. Use the Table Aggregation you built for the Widget input.

Now, any time any app posts to this Table, the contents will appear on any active Widget as a new Event! Use this to display messages or tracking information across multiple apps on your Instance.

Note that any newly-created Record will appear in the Widget, so external systems like Slack and Teams can post to this Widget by using the Tables API as well.
Or, even better, hit a translation API like Google Translate or DeepL before posting to the Table to enable multi-lingual messaging!

Known bugs/quirks:

  1. This Widget is shared as-is, and though made with best practices in mind has not undergone Tulip Library QA testing.
  2. Inputted IDs will be rejected if they do not belong to one of the 10 most recently created Records in the Events Table.
  3. Events with any blank fields will be rejected.
  4. Events will default to the ‘message’ type if their ‘type’ value does not exactly match one referenced in the Widget. Currently supported types include:
    success , error , warning , message , andon , pause , start , stop , msteams

Let me know where you use this in your production! The Widget is attached below:

customWidget-Events Timeline Viewer.json (14.9 KB)