Provide Read Replica DB for ETL

We use a variety of production systems (spanning PLM, ERP, Sales, etc.) and replicate their underlying databases into a single data warehouse where we can create queries and analytics that span multiple systems and present dashboards in a single tool (we use Tableau).

We’d like to include Tulip. For optimal scalability and maintenance this would require providing (read only) access to our data (completion, user, app, custom tables, etc.) rather than trying to do this through API calls that need to be created per object and maintained.

Hi @olek - Thanks for this product suggestion!

Our product team is currently thinking of better ways to do Change Data Capture to external systems and will take your feedback into account. Likely this would not be through DB access, but some other method. Still early stage of brainstorming and likely this type of feature will take a while to develop, but we will keep you posted :slight_smile:

I’m curious what the resistance to providing read only access to the backend database is. All of our other systems (jira, netsuite, salesforce, etc.) provide this and it makes it really easy and straightforward to get all required data into our data warehouse using ETL services with minimal customization and maintenance. Once the connection is set up the automatically picks up new tables and fields as they’re added.

The other big benefit is that we typically get access to all of our data, not just what is accessible through the UI, API calls, csv downloads (in Tulip’s case I image this would be users, roles, usage, etc.) which allows us to perform more monitoring and analytics.

This is a a topic I’m pretty passionate about and would be happy to chat with someone if that’s an option :slight_smile:

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Hi @olek Thanks for the good examples and discussion. I’d be happy to talk more about it if you are willing - it would help us inform how we are thinking about providing access to this data. If you are interested, please set up a meeting with this link.

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