Recover Archived apps Highest Group

Hello There,

How can I recover archived apps from the highest app group?
There isn’t the three dots at this layer.

Thanks by advance :+1:

hello @pte,

apologies for the delay. you will see a button with View Archived Groups at the bottom left of that screen:

from there, you can access all of your archived groups. can you let us know if this is indeed what you are referring to?? thanks!!

Thanks Gio ! It was what I was looking for :ok_hand:

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happy to hear it @pte!! let us know if you have further questions.

This post just helped me out. The official documentation is out of date

@Gary glad this post was able to help you! Just want to check so I can make sure we get our knowledge base documentation up to date - is this the documentation that you found to be out of date? How to Recover Archived Apps

@Beth, correct. The button is now at the bottom of the side pane

Got it, thanks for pointing this out. We will work on getting that fixed :slight_smile: Have a great weekend!