Shortcuts in app


I was wondering if there are shortcuts in the Tulip app in order for users to navigate faster ? I know we have the possibility to set a trigger with a specific key but that means we are not able to press the button and use the key for the same trigger.


Hi @Fiora, thanks for the question. Can you tell me more about what you mean by:

I know we have the possibility to set a trigger with a specific key but that means we are not able to press the button and use the key for the same trigger

Do you mean that you’re using keyboard shortcuts to navigate through applications in the Player?

Hi !
Sorry for the late answer but that’s it : in the Tulip player, is it possible to use shortcuts ? For example, i have a specific button go to another step, is it possible to use the key “Enter” instead of clicking on this button ? The issue is that we want to let the user choose between click or use “Enter”

I’m having the same challenge. I’ll add to @Fiora that ‘Enter’ might be already taken for inserting data to textboxes, so I’m ok with not allowing it.
In my case, I’d like to allow navigating to the next and previous slides by a click of a button (Prev and Next buttons) or by clicking Left Arrow and Right Arrow on the keyboard.
Is this possible?

Hi @AquaMaofian and @Fiora -

To be transparent, adding shortcut keys for player navigation are not in the near term product roadmap for us. However, we understand the desire for “hands-free” or “click-free” navigation through apps while running in Tulip Player and we recommend using foot pedals as an alternative to needing to click navigational keys. You can check out this Knowledge Base article
Using the USB Foot Pedal Driver and our list of supported foot pedals here Foot Pedals | Frontline Operations Platform.

The configuration is very simple, and you can use triggers to check certain conditions are met and then navigate to the next step when a foot pedal is pressed.

Let me know if you have any additional questions!