Tulip Office Hours - Building an app 10/8

Hey everyone!

For the office hours on 10/8 (11AM - 12PM EST) I’m going to be building an application and streaming the process, answering and asking questions along the way.

I find that basically all of my learning recently has come from watching others on youtube. Youtube tutorials are the best! Much of our content so far has been showcasing the results of building, but not necessarily the building itself.

The application is going to be a simple component that you can plug into any of your apps. It will record “events” such as a quality, safety, or andon event. These events will then be placed in a backlog and you can drive workflows from them.

For example, a quality event will need to be reviewed, dispositioned, and processed. We’ll also build a management dashboard which gives your team the ability to review these events and adjust ownership and status.

Join if this sounds interesting to you!

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Hey all! Here is the link to watch the video recording of this Office Hours session!


Feel free to drop any questions below, we would love to hear from you!