I am developing a training app for operators. I want to get approval of Line Leaders if the operator properly completed these pages. How can I do this? or at least something similar?
I will turn yes related custom field in Users table if the line leader approves it. @giladl@John
Hi @OzanB, this definitely sounds doable. What we recommend is going to depend a lot on the process here.
Can you describe to me what the desired flow looks like, when and where the line leader approves the completion of the training, and any other details that will help us understand.
In each station I will have one App for that station. There will be selection like;
1- Go to Process
2- See Quality metrics
3- Training
Training section will be able to used in 2 different way. Operator train themselves because they might forget something during process and the other one is he might helping a new starter to learn. Whenever, train for someone selected (App will ask who is getting trained) and the training series completed, I want to wait an approval before changing operator skill matrix. Also, The app needs to change skill matrix (skill matrix is the table in users section custom field) for that person when it is approved. How can I create such app?
@OzanB, correct me if you think this is off base, but I think what you’re describing is actually two applications. The reason I say this is because in the flow you’re describing an operator’s training needs to be approved, and from what you’ve described it sounds like another individual is doing the approving.
Does this make sense as a flow for two apps:
Operator completes a training (app 1)
An approver receives a notification to approve or deny this training (app 2)
Upon approval, the skills matrix is change in the Users Table (from app 2)
Approvals allow operator access to content/apps/steps that require training (app 1)
Sorry but the demand has changed. I need to create an app like this
1- Anyone can login to app (whether it is a trainee or trained operator for that role)
2- Check this operator skill matrix has authority to use this app
3- if not ask a trainer badge Id (trainer will be responsible for trainee actions so I need to record trainer name also)
4- Check this badge ID is stamped as a trainer for this app
5- Change trainee skill matrix after training
How can I create such an app?
Summary; How can I check an user variable has permission to use an app other than logged-in user?
I’m working on something similar. Just to repeat back to you, it sounds like the requirement you’re being asked to fill is something like
When users try to access a work application they don’t have a training record for, they should be allowed to contact someone who is a registered trainer and have that person take responsibility for the work performed.
This can be very tricky, especially depending on how your QMS handles electronic records. If your company is okay with it, my recommendation would be to have the trainer run the application for an untrained operator, and have a separate application which allows the trainer to log and sign that they trained the user on the process. As part of that application, the system can write whatever flag/boolean you’re using to manage operator training levels.
Thanks for advice. I switch my app according to your suggestion. I want to ask another question here;
When I get trainer name, can I filter dropdown list where the trainer will be selected. Because, I dont want operators record just a random name or see full list of users. Do you have any suggestions? @John@David2
Yep, that’s exactly something I have running right now. What I’ve used for that case is a table (separate from the users table) where this info is stored, then I populate the field using a query and aggregation against that table. I’ve used it a lot for dynamically populating approver lists. For example, we use a list of tags to manage who gets access to certain quality-critical applications/parts of apps. To populate that list the app
Queries the table for a list of users with the correct role
Narrows the query by only including users with permissions for the program where the app applies
Returns a “Unique Values” aggregation of that query
That can populate a drop-down. So, for example, when proposing an update to an equipment field list, the user requests a reviewer, and the field will open with the list of users who can review equipment updates and are in the program where the equipment is used.
We have a big table equivalent to the user table (for several reasons, including queries, but also due to the non-inclusion of the Account Owner in the user table) and that contains all user-focused resources as well as a couple generic queries to allow different apps to pull against it in different ways.