Help with "Building a Training/Skills Matrix App"

Hello, I reviewed the university video “Building a Training/Skills Matrix App.” I followed step by step but it seems that my Record is not updated. I am not sure if the App is able to communicate back to the “record” to update it? My table/record placeholder “Active Operator” seems to update in my app but the data does not move on to update the table.
It is a simple training app. Watch a video, take a quiz, and the “app table” updates. I want my record to update as well so I can choose to export the data if necessary.
I have been testing the app in “Developer Mode” maybe that is why the data is not sending over?

Thanks, Elias

Hi Haikal, thanks for your question.

The reason you’re not seeing the table records update is indeed because you’re testing the app in Developer Mode. Developer Mode is essentially a simulation of what your app would do in the player—you’ll see table records and variable update in the fields on the bottom left, but no data is truly transacting. It’s a safe sandbox for you to test apps that might not be ready for production without risking your data.

If you’d like to interact with tables, try running the same application in the player. In this case, you will see and data you write to a table appear in the appropriate table records.

Let me know if this helps!


Thank you very much John!

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