Behavior when the condition in conditional format is cleared

Hello All,

Conditional formatting in Interactive table has been added recently.

I put a text input widget and enable clear button on it and set conditional formatting. Then I clicked clear button in the input widget. All records matched with the conditional filter when I set “contains” in the conditional formatting.

This behavior should be “All records don’t match”. I would like Tulip to fix this behavior. “Data manipulation → clear” action works well though. Please show the video that I attached.


Kind Regards,
Akira Takahashi

This is the same issue as I described on “empty” filters here:

The X does make an empty string and not a null value.
Any text will also contain an empty string, if you will…but null values don’t.

Thank you so much for mentioning about filters and X Clear. I do agree with you. I hope this behavior will be fixed soon.

Kind Regards,
Akira Takahashi