This issue rears its ugly head from time to time - app behaves unexpectedly (especially with inputs used to filter table results) due to the difference in handling between null vs. emptystring variable inputs.
This post got me thinking about it again:
And I got the “Your topic is similar to…” notice about these older posts of mine:
I would propose that there be some consistent, readily discernable visual difference between input fields that are null vs. emptystring - perhaps the null symbol ∅?
Also beneficial would be a consistent effect across inputs of “clearing” the input - to me this default behavior should always be actually clearing (setting to null) the variable vs. just emptying the string, and if special case behavior is needed it could be contrived through trigger logic (e.g. restoring to a default value).
I agree with that … you can actually empty a string in an input widget, with del- key or backspace.
But there is no way to clear it. As soon as an operator typed something, there is no way back to the initial null value. (Only if i built another button for that. Which is not very intuitive for an operator…)