Hi Folks,
The next Build Better session is coming up onTuesday, December 17th from 11am - Noon ET!
This one is all about the new features Custom User Roles and User Groups!
@kevin.kononenko, the Product Manager responsible for these features, will be walking through all the information you need to utilize these features to their full potential, helping you manage and govern users effectively across your organization at scale!
Some things we will cover:
- An overview of both User Roles and User Groups, and how these should be used in conjunction with each other
- Understand how these features were designed to make scaling easier for you and your organization
- Common use cases that are unlocked or made easier with these features (such as app approvals, signature, and managing app permissions)
Sign up is a little different for this session - You can sign up on the Tulip website here!
Have something specific you want to talk about during the session? Comment below or bring your questions to the session!
See you there!