Creating a custom widget

Hello team,

Could you please guide me on how to add a custom widget to the widget menu? Additionally, I would like to know where I can find the custom widget editor. For your reference, my Tulip account role is Administrator.

Thank you.

Hi @mkalimuthu - great questions.

You actually need to be an Account Owner to access the custom widget UI, so if your permissions are set to administrator, that may be why you cannot access it!

For someone with Account Owner permissions, this is how you can create a custom widget:
Go to account settings → custom widgets and you will see a button for “create custom widget” which will pull up the custom widget UI

Then, to embed a custom widget in your app, you will see a “Custom” button in your app editor where you can add custom widgets into your app.

You may find this Knowledge Base article helpful as well! Custom Widgets Overview

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