if i have a text list variable [Jan, Feb, March, …] and I want to pull item 10 aka Oct is there a way to do this in the expression editor? I see ARRAY_INDEX_OF() to input Oct and return 10 but i don’t see the ability to do the reverse
Thanks, but I’m trying to use an automation which i only really have access to the expression editor
and the array[index] syntax of Javascript isn’t acceepted
This post is well timed - in r278 (which is coming next week!) there is a new function in the expressions editor called {{ARRAY_VALUE_AT_INDEX}} coming for Apps and Automations. The function retrieves the value at the given index for the given array. Seems that should do the trick for you here
You could also use regex if you have the list as a string.
Closing this thread as this did release in Release 278 - April 2024