I have an app with photo’s saved in a tulip table. I need to store these as a file on our network so at later dates they can be access and attached to excel as an embedded file. They then get converted to PDF when sent out.
Is there a way to save these out side of tulip, in a automatic way?
Ideally saved to a different blob account or a SQL DB possibly.
that is correct, the Image URL (as a text field) is sent in the Connector Function Input when you select type Image. I would also like to add that the link does expire after a week.
have you considered using the print functionality with the Images from the Table Records displayed in a Step and storing it on your network as a PDF to then access from Excel??
The print to PDF of a step is the option ive gone with. Its works well, I also believe being able to email the PDF is in your development plan which will also be very useful so these PDF’s can be auto sent out
hello @Adam.Fletcher, thanks for providing more context.
I agree that adding the ability to send a PDF would be a valuable addition to the platform, would you mind posting in Product suggestions - Tulip Community?? thanks!!