From ERP to Tulip

Hi guys,
Hope you are doing well. I have a question about data exchange between an ERP (could connect to Tulip via Http connectors) and Tulip : In fact, i want to ask is it’s possible to create a base layout trigger that could create a Tulip table record for, for example, every WO that we cretae on the ERP.
Is it possible to do that automatically for example every 15 seconds to check if there is a new WO that have been created on the ERP and we create same record on a Tulip table?
thanks for your help,

Hey Fahd,

Checking every 15 minutes (or ‘pushing’ events from your ERP to Tulip) falls under the umbrella of what we generally call ‘headless’ functionality - or, functionality that doesn’t require an app to occur.

The best way to facilitate this is with the Tables API. If you’re able to make API calls from your ERP, you could create a workflow that submits that work order to Tulip via the Tables API when the WO is created. A University course on the topic can be found here.

If you can’t directly interact with API through your ERP, the best ‘middleman’ option to periodically take info from your ERP and upload it to Tulip is definitely Node-RED. Using our published Tables API nodes, creating a simple flow that checks for new work orders and pushes to Tulip if ones are found is feasible and not too difficult. Let us know if you have more questions on this.

Hi Fahd,

Our recommendation for this type of information exchange with ERP, namely getting a synchronized list of work orders, is to use a “push” method rather than a Tulip app “pulling” work order information. This is done by having your ERP use the Tulip API to add and update a work order table in Tulip.

The general design is that ERP updates work orders in a Tulip table using the Tulip API, and then the apps updates the work orders as it is being executed on the shop floor using the Tulip Connector. This method means that the system that has the most updated information is the one that is responsible for the update. E.g. ERP sends update about the work order, and Tulip that knows what is going on the shop floor update ERP with actual quantities and progress for that work order.

It provides a much more robust implementation that also minimizes the risk of information being out of sync in both systems. It also is a pretty common pattern for how shop floor systems interacts with ERPs.


  • Gilad
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Hi @k.ober, Hi @giladl,
Thanks very much for these elements. They are going to be very helpful for me to accomplish what i am doing now.
Thanks a lot,