On our Onprem OPCH, we closely monitor “connector fail” error per connectorId. We have build several dashbord log and put in place alert per workspace.
Each workspace support team are autonomous to see error and investigate root cause .
Now our difficulty is on investigation, make the link between a log entry (request ID/connector ID) and what have trigger this issue on the shopfloor (which apps, user, station).
For us, it will be very helpfull to add following information on the log:
Thanks for the suggestion - We have a work task in the backlog right now to improve these logs for OPCH, along with making it easier to map these logs to observability tools. This work is in the scoping phase right now, but expect this to get better over the next few months!
Adding one more information very important: “connector environnement”.
On monitoring and alert, I’m only interest on “Production environnement”.
Today I receive too much alert on connector due to apps builder testing function…
One workarround is to setup a hostconnector dedicated to Development (that is for me good practice to segregare prod vs dev infrastructure).