How can I load unique field(table) values into dropdown list

Hello @oviland!!

That’s a great question, and there are several ways to approach it.

1. Tables API

The Tables API ( :link:) can be used to get all records in a Table. You can then use the returned array to populate the options in a single select that can be populated from a Text Array (see Options & Variable fields on the Widget tab):

2. Create an ID Table

Create another Table with the unique ID’s of the Orders, and use that to filter the Order Details Table. Something along the lines of:

Display both the Order Details and Order ID tables in an app, link a Record Placeholder to the Order ID Table & add a trigger to store the selection in a Variable:

Filter the Details Table with the Order ID (on the Order ID field):

This is the result of this app:

Do either of these approaches work for what you’re trying to build??

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