How to get number of days only?

Hello All,

I am trying to create a chart showing the time spent of an event using this format:
x = Date event closed
y = Date event created
z = days spent

Formula: x-y=z

z has format like this in Tulip: 26d 20:51:11

How can I get the exact days only? I tried to divide the z by 86400, but I am getting the format as 00:00:00

Also tried LEFT(z, FIND(“d”, z) - 1), expression don’t work.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance!


Hi @mici !

Just tried this myself and I think it should do the trick for you - In expression editor, you can use the function “interval_to_seconds” to get the interval converted correctly, then divide that by 86400!

interval_to_seconds(@Variable.days spent ) / 86400

Let me know if that solves this for you :slight_smile:

This worked! thank you so much for the help @Beth !!! :blush:

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