Release 238 - October 2022

Updates start rolling out today for the latest release! Along with the usual clean up and bug fixes, this one notably adds the ability to open a folder in a trigger and now shows machine and station management by default for all accounts using the Machine Monitoring page.

:zap: Connectors

  • Clean up Connector workspace IDs requirements

:computer: Stations, Devices, and Machines

  • Remove option to disable Edge Device autoupdates (for non-enterprise and non-Tulip pricing plans)
  • Adds site settings for Edge Device auto updates and maintenance window

:iphone: App Editor

  • Default button widgets have better styling, specifically including bigger and bolder fonts, and a wider default width. This affects newly created button widgets, not existing ones
  • Allow opening folders in the open file trigger
  • Allow inserting new Tulip Table columns to the left or right of existing columns
  • Fix header row and first columns of tables so that they stay on screen when scrolling down / right on the table
  • Add support for Stations fields in Tulip Table
  • Add column counts to the table information panel

:zap: Connectors

  • NetSuite authentication is enabled for all customers by default
  • Development mode settings can now be found under Connectors in the Accounts settings page

:computer: Stations, Devices, and Machines

  • Show station status in station navigation row
  • Adds site settings for Edge Device auto updates and maintenance window
  • The machine monitoring page has been switched on for all accounts - after rounds of testing and feedback this page provides a cleaner interface for managing your

This is great!
I noticed that the interactive table widget in the Apps also has fixed header.
Can the interactive table widget in the Apps have fixed column on the left side?
It would be great if the App Builder or User can specify how many left side columns to fix.


This is a good point.
I find the fixed column should even be choosable (e.g. first 3 columns).

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@ta-aoki @thorsten.langner Combined these two requests and added to #product-suggestions here: Improve table view behavior - Fixed columns



Thank you.
I personally think that the number of β€œrows” to be fixed does not have to be flexible, since the table rows might be filtered or sorted.