Shop floor section / Track changes

Hello everyone,

We encountered a strange situation where a station that was on one step suddenly jumped back to the beginning steps. Initially, I suspected it might be due to a misconfigured trigger pointing to the wrong step. However, after reviewing the app, all the triggers seem to be correctly set up.

Currently, we have a few users with the “station supervisor” role assigned in Tulip. This leads me to two possible root causes: a Tulip bug or a user manually moving between steps using the shop floor/station menu.

Is there a way to track these movements, similar to the “recent activity” section?

I can’t confirm or deny anything, but both of these sound unlikely. I am sure you are puzzled too.

One thing which might help your investigation… if you go into the completion record of when this occurred, you are able to see the exact timestamp of when the user was at each step.

It would also be interesting to see if the app was “cancelled”, “completed” or just moved to a different step.