Trigger Validations are not working

Hi Team, I have created a Validation Trigger for 7 Variables to check all Blank Fields and throw “Must Fill all fields”
The Trigger works fine and displays message first for 2 fields as blank but it is not working for other fields when I am passing is blank values. Seems Is Blank is working only for first 2 variables only.

Remaining below 5 variables even i am passing blanks, it is saving it.

Hi @vineet143 -

Couple things here:

  1. Are you using input widget validation (Data Validation with Input Widgets) or using triggers to check each variable?

I would encourage you to use the widget validation feature, as this greatly simplifies this and can check to make sure your inputs are not blank and give an error message (see example below) and prevent the user from moving to the next step without using triggers at all!

  1. If you need to use the trigger approach, I suggest making a text variable for each of your inputs variables, and when you are testing, confirm that those values are indeed showing up as “blank” as a starting debugging step. You can also try separating out each trigger individually, to better see where the issue is occurring in the trigger

If you are able to provide any screenshots, that can help us work through this together better too!

@Beth Its aweosomeeeeee :slight_smile: