I tend to use input variables over form steps because I like the freedom to be able to customize the look/feel of the step. However if I choose to use input widgets it comes with the cost of having to add additional logic every time to check for data validation (i.e if variable is blank throw an error message, if date !>= today then throw an error).
I’d like to be able to add an input variable and be able to configure the data validation within the widget customizations in the right hand pane
I agree that this is a very important functionality to have. Alternatively, provide an “on-change” event trigger for input widgets that could be used to perform input validation after the widget loses focus.
Hi all, we have recently introduced validation for input widgets (r274/LTS12). This allows you to define rules for valid values and show messages without writing triggers. In addition, you can check the validity of all inputs on a step to enable/disable a button or as conditions for other triggers.