Tulip Office Hours 22MAR2021 [Google Sheets Library App]

hello all,

join us for our next Tulip Office Hours focused on the Google Sheets Library App.

the App enables a seamless integration between Google Sheets and Tulip. once you enter the Spreadsheet ID for the spreadsheet you’d like to connect to, you can easily read and write values to your spreadsheet. see here for a brief demo:

following this demo, we’ll be opening it up to Q&A. if you have questions, add them as comments here below and we’ll address them in the order in which they were received. if you don’t have specific questions, join the session and view how other users are building apps for their shop floor.

please complete one of these forms if you’d like to join Office Hours:

we look forward to seeing you there!!


hello all!! the recording of the Spanish Office Hours can be viewed here:

topics covered:
2:00​ Using Interactive Table within an App
17:00​​ Using the Google Sheets Library App
25:00​ Using an Andon System to Assign Audits
32:00​ Using Custom Fields in the User Table
50:00​ Using the Import CSV file to import data from an Excel sheet into a Tulip Table

thanks everyone for joining and asking great questions!!

hello all!! the recording of the EST Office Hours can be viewed here:

0:00​ Introductions
4:00​ Tulip App Library Overview
5:00​ Google Sheets Tulip Integration (Unit Test) Link: https://tulip.co/library/apps/google-…
20:00​ Live Debugging: Router App
36:00​ Overview of Node-RED Resources
47:00​ Restocking Application that utilizes dynamic filtering of tables
55:00​ Customizing SQL Column Names in Output (AS)

thanks @Neo, @ishmaelg & @velogirlrides for the great questions!!

hello all!! the recording of the EU Office Hours can be viewed here:

topics covered:
0:00​​ Google Sheets API Library App
7:00​​ Adding OAuth 2.0 on Connectors
17:00​​ Creating Table Analytics
28:00​ Understanding App Completions
39:00​ Uploading Data to a Table via CSV Import

thanks to @Andres, @oviland and @pte for the great questions and input!! have a great weekend and speak next week.