Hi All,
Found some other feeds on topics similar to this but couldn’t find an answer.
I’m trying to dynamically pull colors from a table to update button colors once a step is completed. Before I was doing it as a static change to the variable and manually entering the color. But just in case we want to change these colors in the future we would like to pull them directly from a table.
If you want to dynamically change the color/font size/text of a button, your best bet is on a custom widget.
In order to save and retrieve your color data from a table, it is exactly the same way as a string except it is a “color” type of data.
Be careful about leaving customer information in your screenshots. In fact, @Beth you might want to edit that post and remove the image.
You were actually very close here, you just need to create one record placeholder for each of the color records and load them based on the key when an app is started.