Windows 10 Deprecation
We wanted to inform you about an upcoming change regarding support for Windows 10. Windows 10 is reaching its end of support with Microsoft - read their notice here.
Effective October 14, 2025, Tulip will deprecate support for Windows 10. Tulip Player will continue to run on Windows 10 but Tulip will not test on Windows 10 past this deprecation.
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I am writing to inquire about the potential risks associated with the upcoming deprecation of Windows 10 support. Specifically, I would like to understand if there is any risk of not being able to run applications on a player if our organization does not move from Windows 10.
Could some insights be provided on the following:
- If the next LTS upgrade requires an update to the players for compatibility, would we still be able to run an app on a player that is still running on Windows 10?
Thank you for your assistance.
Hi @ecarpena,
You can still run apps on Windows 10 past October 14th, 2025 - the risk mainly lies in the lack of support from Microsoft, not from Tulip.
In the long run, we cannot support a platform that isn’t supported by the original creators (Microsoft in this case) since it is being phased out.