Home Page
- On the left hand side are all of the different categories we have in the community.
- On the right hand side, is a running newsfeed of latest topics / threads from all of the categories.
The Tulip Community forum is hosted on Discourse - you can find some helpful tips on the Discourse New User Guide
Some Important categories to be aware of:
Introduce Yourself - The Tulip Community wants to get to know you! Post an introduction to who you are here, and check in regularly to learn more about other folks who are in the Tulip Community and connect!
Support & Help - Unsure how to do something in Tulip or just want input from other Community members about something you are building in Tulip? Post your questions here!
Developer - A place for Tulip Developers to ask more advanced questions about APIs, custom widgets, hardware and software integrations, and Node-RED
Show & Tell - Have you built something in Tulip that you are proud of? Do you think it could help others in the Community? Post it here!
Product Suggestions - Have an idea to improve Tulip? Post it here! We review all requests in this category and do our best to address these in future software releases.
Office Hours - Tulip Community - We offer office hours 3 times a week! During these sessions, you get the opportunity to talk directly with a Tulipian and other Tulip users about any questions you have.
Announcements - This is where the Tulip team posts product feature release notes, events, awards, and more!
Helpful terminology:
- Topic: The collection of messages grouped together in a meaningful conversation, with a title, listed in a category, beginning with an Original Post, and including all replies in chronological order.
- Elsewhere this might be called a ‘thread’
- Post: Each element of a topic is referred to as a post.
- Original Post (or OP): The first post in any topic. This is key since it determines the focus of the topic and is what the title and tags will link to.
- Category: The primary means of organizing topics. Each topic is placed in exactly one category. Categories are a similar concept to a ‘forum’ on other sites.
- Tag: A marker placed on a topic to describe it. While a topic can only have one category, it can have multiple tags.
How to post a topic:
- You can create a topic from the homepage by clicking “New Topic” or by clicking in to a specific category and creating a topic within that category.
When creating a topic:
- Create a title for your topic that best summarizes your post
- Select a category (If you aren’t sure what category a topic belongs in, you can just choose the “General” category, and we can move it to a different category later for you
- Add tags to improve searchability of your topic. You can create new tags if you do not see an existing tag that fits your topic
- Fill in as many details as you can in the body of the post. It is very helpful to include context of a situation, screenshots, videos, and any relevant information that can help other folks understand your post!
- When formatting the body of your post - the Discourse platform (on which Tulip Community is hosted) uses markdown. This guide is very helpful to help you customize the look and feel of your post as you would like: Formatting posts using markdown, BBCode, and HTML - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta
This topic here is a great example for you to reference.
Please make sure all topics and post are respectful and follow the Tulip Community Code of Conduct
How to search for topics and conversations
You can search for topics/threads by keyword using the search icon on the homepage
Advanced search:
- You can click the search icon and click the “advanced search options” icon.
- Within the advanced search, you can customize your search as needed to find specific content