We want to get to know you! Introduce Yourself

Hi folks! I know some of you have been Tulip Community members for years, while others may have just signed up this month - but regardless of who you are and how long you’ve been here, we would love to make this a space where people get to know each other.

It’s much easier to cultivate an environment of support, sharing, and connection when there’s a sense that we know each other.

So if you feel comfortable, go ahead and let us know a little about yourself!

You can post your introduction as a new topic in the Introduce Yourself - Tulip Community category.

Feel free to use the template below:

  • :construction_worker_man: Role:
  • :earth_americas: Location:
  • :tulip: Experience with Tulip:
  • :busts_in_silhouette: What are you hoping to get from the Tulip Community?
  • :laughing: Fun fact:

My name is Seyi. A Purdue graduate student. I am a graduate research assistant with The Data Mine (Purdue). Well, i am not experienced with Tulip and I am excited to be part of this team to learn new experience.

I have been privileged to have had industrial experience before in my country (Nigeria) and I am open to learn new skill as an added advantage to me. In all of these I am ready to see a way to also give back to the Tulip community.

Fun fact about me, I am not so good at sport, but I love cooking.


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Hi Seyi!

Welcome to the Tulip Community :tada: We are excited you are here and working with Tulip at Purdue :slight_smile:

As you get going, feel free to ask any questions you have or share show & tells of cool things you build with Tulip. The Community is always here to help and a great place to share and connect with other Tulip users.


  • :construction_worker_man: Role: Automation Engineering Manager
  • :earth_americas: Location: Cleveland, OH
  • :tulip: Experience with Tulip: Basic and Advanced App Building credential. Started developing in Tulip for an electronic batch record project earlier this year.
  • :busts_in_silhouette: What are you hoping to get from the Tulip Community? Share best practices, lessons learned, and encouragement.
  • :laughing: Fun fact: I’m an avid Ultimate Frisbee player and have been playing for over 10 years :flying_disc:
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Hi Kyle, Welcome to Tulip Community :tada:

I’ll go ahead an add your Tulip U Certifications to your Community profile :slight_smile:

I tired ultimate frisbee for a semester during college and really enjoyed it, but didn’t have the patience it took to get better at actually throwing the frisbee, but I had a lot of fun running around and chasing the frisbee (or “playing fetch” as I like to joke).

  • :construction_worker_man: Role: Business Analyst & Project Manager IT
  • :earth_americas: Location: Sweden, Stockholm
  • :tulip: Experience with Tulip: Just getting started
  • :busts_in_silhouette: What are you hoping to get from the Tulip Community? Tips and tricks, and help!
  • :laughing: Fun fact: :thinking:
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Hi Ane, and welcome to Tulip Community! :tulip:

As you get started with Tulip you may find some of the resources here ( Getting Started with Tulip ) to be helpful!

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to sign up for Office Hours to get live help from the Tulip team!

  • :construction_worker_man: Role: Process Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer
  • :earth_americas: Location: Salt Lake City
  • :tulip: Experience with Tulip: NEW
  • :busts_in_silhouette: Hope to help and maybe ask questions
  • :laughing: Fun fact: I like Racquetball, (future) Powered Parachute Pilot
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Hi @bob.berger and welcome to Tulip Community! :tulip:

The community is definitely here to help answer any questions you have as you are learning Tulip. We definitely love that you want to help share your knowledge with others too! It is great to be able to learn from each other.

I myself lived in Salt Lake City for a year and loved it. Such a beautiful city surrounded by some of my favorite mountains in the world :mountain:

Powered parachute piloting sounds intense but amazing! That’s a hobby you don’t hear of every day :slight_smile: Stay safe out there!