3rd party program to map out triggers?

Some of our apps have a good number of triggers per step. After a while it gets a bit difficult to keep the whole flow in my head. I’m wondering if anyone uses a 3rd party program to map out triggers. Something so you can see how all the triggers look on one page, and how each trigger connects/relates to other triggers?

I have access to Lucidchart ( Intelligent Diagramming | Lucidchart and was thinking about using it, but I’d love to hear how others are tackling this!

Hi @jasonh,

Check out this product suggestion thread - Automated plotting of app transition flows.



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wow, that’s what I’m looking for. Unfortunately we’re on LTS. With that said, it will be something to look forward to!

Thanks Jake!

Hi @jasonh,

Just to be clear - this is not something that we’re currently building but are interested in better understanding.



@sebme would you be willing to share the script tool you made in Automated plotting of app transition flows for others to use as an interim tool?

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Hi @jasonh , is this still a problem for you? If so, would love to interview you to learn more. I am starting to plan out a solution to this problem.

We utilize Lucidchart for mapping out process flow and table schemas. It would be awesome to have something built into Tulip! Yes, let’s connect.