Adding a new output to a connector makes a previously used object variable useless

I am using a connector to check data in our database based on a barcode scanned in an app. This has all been working really well, the object variable is really easy to use and keeps everything clean. The problem I’m running into is that I just added a new field to the output because something has changed in the scope of the app. I was only using the connector in a single app so removing the one action that was calling it was easy to edit the connector. After re-adding the connector however, i need to create an entirely new object variable to capture the newly added field. this means that all 13 previous variables have to be reassigned throughout the entirety of my app and the roughly 100 calls to those variables have to be changed to the newly added object
is there no way to make this easier? adding a single field shouldn’t force more than an hour of rework


Hey @Bryce.dahle,

I completely understand this frustration and we are actively working on a solution for it. We’d love to get your feedback on what we’re planning and how it could help reduce this pain point for you. Would you be open to sharing your thoughts?

I think it’d be a major help to anyone using connections, nothing is perfect on the first try. Things get missed, output names or types being changed, even removing an output but leaving everything else the same forces a new object to be made.
if anyone else is having an issue with this, the work around I found is to store the new object variables into the old ones so that you don’t have to go through and change every single action and trigger that calls out the old object variables. Any future changes are also made easier so that you could just change the variable it comes from and everything is still usable