Automation using expression with dates

I’ve created a very simple automation that checks if current time is less than curret date & 6am, put 3 in shift number, if between 6am and 3pm, put 1, else put 2.
I used the following expression :
texttodatetime(datetimetotext(@Automation Info.Current Date And Time , ‘DD-MM-YYYY’, ‘Asia/Jerusalem’) + ’ 06:00am’, ‘DD-MM-YYYY hh:mma’, ‘Asia/Jerusalem’)

The condition works like that :


So, it doesn’t do nothing, the rest of automation is doing other things like create a record and put other values there accourding to other conditions, but this one, not, can anyone help me if I can use such expression like I did or shell I use any other type of expression for knowledge of time differences ?

Thank you,
Amit Berku

Hi Amit!

I checked out your expression and everything looks good there (it was working for me when I played with this in app editor).

That being said, I wonder if you are still having this issue? I ask because Tulip rolled out a change in r275 to change {{TextToDateTime}} expression in apps to be more strict about the string dates it accepts. (For example: {{2021/02/01}} would error for format {{YYYY-MM-DD}}, the text format must be {{YYYY/MM/DD}}).

This caused some previous expressions to break and the team quickly reverted the change in r275.2 so this is no longer a concern, but I am wondering if that is what was causing the issue here.

Let me know if you are still having an issue and we can continue to debug together :slight_smile:

Hi Beth,
We had some issues regarding upgrade of version r275 and r276, still in version r274 now, hopping we will have a new WORKING version soon, than I will check out those dates issues.
Thank you for your answer.


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Hi Amit, are you still having issues here? Just wanted to check in and see if when you upgraded versions if the expression issue was resolved

Hi Beth,
No, I’m still in version 274 due to issues of machines connectors with newer version, there is an open ticket on it, thank you for your concern.


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