Using Date_Trunc_TZ function

I have seen questions on DATE_TRUNC_TZ in the Tulip certification exam. However, I was unable to find any details about this function on the Product Doc.

  1. Do we still use this expression in Tulip?
  2. If we use it then can you please help to understand what will the below function do ?
    DATE_TRUNC_TZ(@App Info.Current Date and Time ,‘day’, ‘America/NewYork’) - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
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Hi @Bhaskar, thanks for bringing this to our attention. DATE_TRUNC expressions were replaces with DATETIMETOTEXT(). I can make sure this is reflected in the exams

Hi John, it is still the case in the question 18 of the advanced exam.
Best regards

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