Copy to Clipboard for Array Variables

I had to come up with an ugly workaround for this missing feature in LTS 8.2, not sure if it has been implemented since or is still a feature gap.

I want to allow an operator to copy a pick list residing in an array and paste it as needed (document, email, Teams chat). The Copy to Clipboard trigger function doesn’t work on arrays. I was able to convert my array to a string, save in a non-array variable, and copy that to clipboard, but it is not ideal.


03.110.002 | Qty: 1 ][ 03.127.016 | Qty: 1 ][ 03.231.013 | Qty: 2 ][ 03.231.018 | Qty: 2 ][ 03.312.851 | Qty: 9 ][ 03.835.043 | Qty: 1 ][ 511.773 | Qty: 1

Slightly less ugly, but would still prefer with line breaks between:

[ 03.110.002 | Qty: 1 ] [ 03.127.016 | Qty: 1 ] [ 03.231.013 | Qty: 2 ] [ 03.231.018 | Qty: 2 ] [ 03.312.851 | Qty: 9 ] [ 03.835.043 | Qty: 1 ] [ 511.773 | Qty: 1 ]

It only took a year plus…


[ Material: 511.776 | Qty: 14 ]

[ Material: 03.110.002 | Qty: 7 ]

[ Material: 03.127.016 | Qty: 3 ]