Edge Device OS - Auto Updates

Edge devices will begin to auto-update to the latest firmware version starting with r245, which is tentatively scheduled for mid-January 2023. This will:

  • Enable software support for new Tulip features.
  • Keep devices up to date with critical security patches, stability improvements, etc.
  • Improve ease of fleet management for edge devices’ firmware.

A new section to control this feature has been added to the admin settings page in r238 (and soon to LTS9) and can be accessed at “https://.tulip.co/account/edge-devices-settings” URL. The setting can be updated now, and will take effect when auto updates start in r245.

Tulip Edge Devices will check for updates at the day and time specified on the edge device settings page. If an update is available, devices will automatically update. This may occur at any point within the 4-hour maintenance window. The default update maintenance window is Saturday, 11 PM Eastern Time to Sunday, 3 AM Eastern Time.

If a Tulip Edge Device fails to update within the maintenance window, the update will be canceled and it will try again in the next window.

Auto-updates will be enabled by default. We strongly recommend that you auto-update your Tulip Edge Devices and select a maintenance window that is the least disruptive to your business. However, if you prefer to update them manually and are on an enterprise plan, this can be disabled from the Edge Device settings page.

You can always manually update the firmware from the edge devices page irrespective of the auto-update settings.


Edge Device Settings page URL https://.tulip.co/account/edge-devices-settings (available in r238 and newer)
Auto update setting Enabled by default
Takes effect starting r245 (tentative January) / LTS10
Default maintenance window Saturday, 11 PM Eastern Time to Sunday, 3 AM Eastern Time
Maintenance window duration 4 hours


Hello Pete-san,

Some of our customers still use I/O gateways. Does this auto update function work on I/O gateways too?

Kind Regards,
Akira Takahashi

Good question, same situation

Hey @Akira -

Yes, auto-update settings will apply to all edge devices.

I/O Gateways are only getting updates for security updates, and essential updates to ensure compatibility with the cloud. All new feature development is now coming to Edge IO and Edge MC.


More on IO Gateway updates. OS52 will be released for the Edge Devices and IO Gateway, but the IO Gateway release will probably be a few weeks later than the Edge IO and Edge MC.

Approximate dates are mid December for Edge Devices and most likely in early January for IO Gateway.