eReplen Use Case, Delta Faucet

hello all,

I wanted to share a great use case @michael.wood & @Grant have been building over the past few months at Delta Faucet’s facility in Jackson, TN.

the app is replaced a whiteboard that signaled replenishment needs:

into an app that material handlers and ‘spiders’ use to get material from the warehouse onto the assembly line:

the recording of the explanation for this solution can be seen here:

let us know if you have any thoughts or questions!!



very impressive digitization ! Congrats :slight_smile: !
As I was looking for this, I’m also very excited to hear about the barcode generator coming soon in Tulip (mentioned around 8:40). I will stay alert !


hello @pte, I agree that native barcode generation will be very useful!! in the meantime you can do something like this: Generate a QR Code or Barcode :link:.

let me know if you have any questions!!

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