Files like pdf over connector (input and output)

We have more and more use case where we need to pass PDF file:

  • from Tulip to a target system (Input on API call)
  • from system to Tulip (Output on API call)
    Today it works for very small PDF with encode/decode base64 and pass via string type.
    But for normal PDF, we exceed the limitation of String type.
    We look like to that a File type could be manage over connector input and output.

Hey @Nicolas -

We have a scheduled engineering investigation into supporting specifically ingestion of PDFs planned for later this quarter, with that to drive some more engineering work early next year to address this need.

The plan is to investigate specifically what would be required for integration with the following systems, are there others we should include?

  1. Sharepoint
  2. Boomi (IPASS)
  3. Mulesoft (IPASS)
  4. Snowflake
  5. PAS-X
  6. Master Control
  7. Intellect
  8. Arena PLM


Hi Pete, thank for the quick feedback.
For pdf in connector function INPUT: the use case is for logistic. When they unpack receiving, they scan a lot of legal document and store it in pdf (with multiple sheet, image file is not recommand, pdf is better). In Tulip, they select the correct pdf in windows file system and send it to SAP as attachment of SAP Inbound delivery.
For pdf in connector function OUTPUT: the use case is integrated with:

  • PLM for drawing : Windchill from PTC
  • CCMS (Maintenance) instruction: EAM from Hexagon (ex Infor)
