Generate a CSV File using Custom Widget


I’m trying to make a custom widget that would generate a CSV File. It seems I’m reaching a dead end on getting the widget to work. Is there a proper process to do this?

I’m planning to store the generated CSV files into table records.

Hi Anthony!

Welcome to Tulip Community :tada:

Where have you gotten stuck / do you have any errors you can share to help the Tulip Community further debug this?

I have tried it but I have also got stuck. Error message is “base value did not pass the validation”. I would like to know if there are some acceptable formats for file type variables except url. Image file can accept some other formats like “”. Thank you.

Hi @sasa


  1. Is storing Data in Base64 no option for you?
  2. Is there a requirment to firstly show the data and then download these in csv file?