Generating a QR Code or Barcode

Hello all,
Since the last update here, we have made several additions to Tulip! With some of these new additions, here is how you can create a barcode and QR Code using the barcode widget in the App editor.
The widgets here are:

Let us know if you have any more questions!


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Thanks for this :slight_smile:
But is it possible to store the barcode or qrcode as image in a tulip table?

Regards Chris

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Hi @ChrisF ,
It’s not possible to store the barcode/QR code as an image since the underlying data type of the barcode/QR Code is text and not an image.
However, based on your use case, you could store this text field in a table and then just retrieve this field and display it as a barcode or QR code!


Does that make sense?


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I’m using this storing the QR code source in the table but uses also the google api to retrieve an image and storing this in the table too.
Both solutions makes sense to me.

Regards Chris