Global trigger editor

Hi all - @danielpomeranz is right that in the short term, you could use Automations to run repeated logic via a Table handoff. Automations run asynchronously in the cloud, and are a powerful solution to both separate out business logic and “automate” your shop floor.

However great news @jacek.kos that we are working on making reusable logic much easier in Apps. In the next few quarters, our team will begin a new project called Functions, which are reusable App Triggers, that you could invoke from an App.

An early sketch of how we’re thinking about Functions:

  • A Function would be reusable app trigger logic - effectively a trigger or a group of triggers, which you could build once, and call from any app
  • Functions would be Workspace scoped, and run synchronously in your App Trigger Queue
  • We’re planning to have the Functions editor be very similar to Automations. So any Automation you have today for repeated business logic should be easy to move to an App Function once that feature comes out.
  • We’re still figuring out exact timing for Functions and which trigger types to cover in a first release. We’re hoping to have at least a sandbox up in the next few months with a wider release later in the year, and would start with the core trigger types like math operations and Table interaction. Exact timing would of course depend on our annual planning which begins in January and other projects.

Let me know if you’re interested in finding out more, and possibly being an early evaluator of a Sandbox preview!

  • Olga