How can we send data from Python in tulip database table, please suggest

hello @nitingoel82, welcome to the Tulip Community!!

that’s a great question, and can be achieved with the use of Tulip Tables API: How to Use the Table API | Tulip Help Center - Support for Building Manufacturing Apps. you will need to create an API key for your Tulip Table and then send the data using the /tables/{tableId}/records (POST) endpoint. you can navigate to https://{{instance_name}} for the API documentation.

this guide: Guide: Using the Table API and Python to import data from a Tulip Table into Power BI maybe useful (although it provides an example of getting data from a Tulip Table to PowerBI) it provides good library suggestions and reference material for how to use Python to interact with data in Tulip Tables.

let us know if you have further questions!!

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