I had a question at office hours yesterday about whether or not we’ve tested jig detection on alternate physical media like laser etching a jig or silk screening one.
Any insight you can provide here?
@Shrmnatr feel free to chime in with anything additional thoughts or context.
alright one last question on this, if I laser etch one of the jig symbols and end up deleting a jig detector will those symbols still work when I create a new jig detector? I noticed you could print off a ton of the detectors are they randomly generated each time? I dont want to make something permanent if it doesnt make sense.
Hi @Shrmnatr
It should work.
The Jigs are not randomly assigned.
There are 3 Jig mark options
Robust (max. 50 unique markers)
Medium (max. 250 unique markers)
Extended (max. 1000 unique markers)
In each category, the marks are unique and constant. i.e if you etch mark no.1 from Robust Marker Type on a plate and then create a new Jig detector with Robust Marker Type you will get the same unique no.1 mark.