My new favorite way to trigger lambdas from Tulip

TLDR invoke lambdas from Aurua Postgres

My new favorite way to trigger lambdas from Tulip

Previously I set up a private API gateway and then accessed it through a VPC Endpoint, this works but is a lot to setup. Sending an SMS to any phone number from tulip – Michael Ellerbeck

Since we are using Aurora Postgres, you can actually execute a lambda from postgres.

So let’s say we had a lambda that sends an SMS, it would be pretty similar to the one used by the API gateway but you don’t need to use queryStringParameters. (It will need SNS IAM access)

Grant your rds-lambda-role permission to execute the lambda. Then you can call it from postgres like this

SELECT * FROM aws_lambda.invoke(aws_commons.create_lambda_function_arn('your_function', 'us-east-1'),
  "phone_number": "11111111111",
  "message": "hello from postgres"

Super neat!

To make it more user friendly you can make a postgres function to wrap it.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.send_sms(phone_number text, message text)
 RETURNS integer
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$

  rows_affected int;
  create_json TEXT;
  response TEXT;
  err_context text;
RAISE INFO 'Started';	  
-- Create Json	  
	create_json row_to_json(t)
	   ) t;
SELECT into response payload FROM aws_lambda.invoke(aws_commons.create_lambda_function_arn('your_function', 'us-east-1'),

RAISE INFO 'response:%',response;

-- parse the response
select into response response::json->'response';
-- remove qutoes
select into response replace(response,'"','');

if response = 'sent' then 
	return 1;
	return 0;


Then to call it you simply need to use

select public.send_sms('11111111111','hello from postgres') as status

So then you use this from within Tulip like this


this is awesome @mellerbeck, thanks for sharing!!

do you already use these functions for any other use cases other than sending SMS texts?? thanks again for sharing, very cool to see this.

Function as Service (AWS Lambda, Google function, …) can be a powerfull extension for « No-Code » platform. At Richemont, we are building a « label API » that return a full ZPL code based on function input. We plan also to create JS function not actually support by Tulip expression editor. API orchestration is an other great use case to help « app builder »

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One of these days I want to do a facial recognition app :slight_smile: also maybe voice messages through AWS pinpoint, could do AWS translation really all sorts of things.

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