Platform Release 303 - January 2025

:tada: Exciting news - Release 303 is here!

The Tulip team has rolled out some fresh updates across multiple features, along with some bug fixes. Check out the release notes and dive into what’s new.

Share your thoughts and questions below :arrow_down: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @jakerigos – Referring to the updated feature: “Connector functions can now only be archived if they are not used by any apps or automations,” I have a couple of questions:

  1. If a connector is used in an archived application, will it still be possible to archive the connector function?
  2. If a connector is used in an old version of an application, will it be possible to archive it? For example, if the application is currently running Version 3 but Version 1 of the application uses the connector I want to archive, what happens in this scenario?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi @jakerigos,

I’m also interested in these answers to the questions from @nicolettenaya


Hey @nicolettenaya and @thorsten.langner,

  1. If a connector is used in an archived application, its connector functions cannot be archived.
  2. If a connector is used in an older version of an application, you can archive it. In this case, the older versions of the application will continue using a snapshot of the archived connector.

Let me know if this answers your questions!

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Thank you for the answer…


…how can I ever tidy up my tons of connector functions then? Do I always have to publish a dummy version of an app with no connectors before archiving an App? That feels not good to me…

That makes totaly sense to me and should be considered for archived apps as well…

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Following up on Thorsten’s question above on archived apps

Hey all,

Appreciate the patience here! The behavior for the first point is actually:

  1. If a connector is used in an archived application, its connector functions can be archived.

If it can’t be archived, it’s likely a bug. This should be the case now—hope this clarifies!