Can't delete unused connector function

How do I delete a connector function which is no longer in use, but might exist in a snapshot or previously published version? It’s definitely not in the development version, but is in a snapshot.

Do we need to delete the snapshot to release the function to be able to be deleted?

Hi @akbeta -

Thanks for raising this question!

Do you mind sending me a DM with the link to a connector function you specifically are seeing this issue with? The Tulip Team would like to investigate further.

Please read this post. does that apply to your situation?

It does, thank you. We’d like to be able to archive connector functions which are only used in archived apps, as they clutter up the connector list.

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Hey all,
If the connector function is not in use in the development version of the app, it can be archived. So if it a connector function is included in a previous app version or snapshot, you should be able to archive it.

Thanks for catching this, the team is working on the solution for this as we speak!

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Hi @canaalpaslan,

Thank you for your response.

We are still struggling to archive connector functions which exist in snapshots but not in the not-yet-published development version of an app.

The connector module still shows the connector in the “where used” even though it doesn’t exist in the development version anymore.

Happy to DM you the connector and app we’re referring to if it helps.


Hey @akbeta,

The fix will be available on r308, also with LTS14 :slight_smile: You should be able to archive your connector functions then.