Hello guys,
i seen that there is devices to control power outlets on Tulip library devices but when i click on it, i don’t get any thing. Is, really, there is devices that they can control power outlets? If so, can i get their references please?
Hi @FahdERM -
Thanks for pointing this out! I let the Library team know and they will look into fixing this link and respond with some more info here. Today is a holiday in Budapest where most of our Library team is based, so they will get back to you tomorrow!
@FahdERM - an update for you here:
The power strip driver has been deprecated and the the link to it in the device library will be removed.
That being said, any power strip /outlet with an HTTP API can be integrated easily with an edge device using HTTP connectors.
Often if you search “brand name of power strip” + API, you can find some documentation that could point you in the right direction. You might have to tinker with a connector and some API’s but you might get your functionality back