Tuesday Office Hours


Every Tuesday at 10am Eastern US time.


Each week a Tulip expert leads a session of office hours to help you answer any questions you may have. All experience levels are welcome!


The session is hosted through Google Meet

Sign up on Tulip University to register and get the meeting link!

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Haven’t been able to get “let in” to the Tuesday session this week and some weeks prior. Just wanted to makes sure there is coverage, I’ve actually got a backlog of questions now!

Hi @jmlowden, we’re having a technical issue with the Tuesday session that prevents us from seeing when users need to be let in. We’re aware of it and it should be resolved by next week, but there will be a different access URL. Will update here when it’s available. Thanks for your patience!

@jmlowden - I just edited the post above with the new link - should be good to go for this Tuesday :slight_smile:

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Are the links still available today?


hi @alin.sala - Yes! if you click the google meet link provided above, you should be able to access the Office Hour. If you have trouble, feel free to shoot me a direct message.

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