Tulip Office Hours 24MAY2021 [HTTP and SQL Connectors]

hello all, we’re looking forward to this week’s Office Hours!!

due to requests shared during last week’s Office Hours, we’ll be covering Connectors. we’ll be taking a look at how HTTP and SQL Connectors (including Functions) can be easily created to integrate Tulip to external systems!!

heres the agenda:

  • May App Competition : for this competition, please share your Apps that make use of interesting UX/UI. whether it’s a clever use of an image as a button, or an interesting way to Transition between steps, we’d like to see how you’re building interfaces in innovative ways.
  • [HTTP Connectors]: Tulip’s HTTP Connectors can interface with most types of HTTP APIs, including REST and SOAP. as a learning exercise, we’ll share how you can connect to https://iextrading.com/ to get information on the stock market. everything we’ll learn can be easily transferred to connecting to other systems that use HTTP to transact data (such as Netsuite, products in the Google platform, SAP, etc.).
  • [SQL Connectors]: you can easily write SQL queries in Tulip to perform operations on data that is stored in many different types of SQL databases. join to learn how to set up the Connector, write the Functions and use them from your existing Apps!!

following the demo, we’ll be opening it up to Q&A. if you have questions, add them as comments here below and we’ll address them in the order in which they were received. if you don’t have specific questions, join the session and view how other users are building apps for their shop floor.

please complete one of these forms if you’d like to join Office Hours:

we look forward to seeing you there!!

hello all!! here’s the recording of this week’s Spanish Office Hours:

topics covered:
5:00 HTTP Connectors
37:00 SQL Connectors
40:00 How to use RegEx with Inputs from a Barcode Scanner

thanks to @Judyth for asking great questions, take a look at the video above if you’d like to validate Barcode Scans!!

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hello all!! here’s the recording of this week’s Office Hours:

topics covered:
0:00 HTTP Connectors
5:00 SQL Connectors
10:00 UsingTable Records in Apps & Tulip Table API

thanks to @Ryne for asking some great questions!!