hello all, we’re looking forward to this week’s Office Hours!! this week, we’ll be sharing some important Tulip features you can use to ensure appropriate user access to your Apps and workflows to manage approvals of your Apps. we’ll also be looking at an exciting App that was included in Release 17 of the Library.
here’s the agenda:
- App Permissions and Approvals: App Permissions and Approvals workflows can be enabled on your Apps and in your instance to allow for better control of User access to Apps and to ensure the necessary Approvers sign the App prior to it being released. join the session to learn how to customize the settings in your instance!!
- Inventory Management: the Inventory Management app is intended to show an inventory management table structure with parameters such as Item, Location, Status, Serial, Quantity. items stored in the table can be called upon and moved or adjusted in the app and can be manipulated from other Apps in your instance.
following the demo, we’ll be opening it up to Q&A. if you have questions, add them as comments here below and we’ll address them in the order in which they were received. if you don’t have specific questions, join the session and view how other users are building apps for their shop floor.
please complete one of these forms if you’d like to join Office Hours:
we look forward to seeing you there!!