Using connector Query Parameters

Hi guys,

I’m trying to build my application to filter information in a dropdown I can select from a table. To do that, I’m using connectors to sort the table information that I need.

Since I’m not a coder, is there any way that I can see a list of functions for Query Parameters that I can use to get to where I want? How is it possible to know which functions I can use?

Best regards,

hello @S.E.J, thanks for posting!! just to confirm, are you using the Tables API to get your Records??

if so, here are the available options of query parameters you can use to filter:

  • equal
  • notEqual
  • blank
  • notBlank
  • greaterThanOrEqual
  • lessThanOrEqual
  • greaterThan
  • lessThan
  • contains
  • notContains
  • startsWith
  • notStartsWith
  • endsWith
  • notEndsWith
  • isIn

here is an example of a Connector Function that uses Query Parameters to filter Records:

if you navigate to https://{{instance_name}}, you can see all the available filters.

furthermore, this article: How to Use the Table API contains some useful information on using the Table API.

let me know if there’s anything I can clarify!!

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How do you get to use the connector inputs?
I don’t get this grey selection as seen in your screenshot.

Hi @stijn.devriendt,

Wrap the input parameter name with $ characters - i.e. $input$. If it’s valid, it will change to that grey text.


Thanks! Lifesaver :wink: